Miscellaneous Commands

Not all of the commands listed here are commonly used in songbooks written using one of the styles. The commands are listed alphabetically.

forces a new page when the ChordBk flag is set to True.

the chord over lyrics command definition. This is the most commonly used command in the style. The words-only sub-style turns off the chord generation and just prints the second parameter. The chord parameter is left-justified over the syllable parameter. Any `#' or `b' characters in the syllable parameter are replaced with `$\sharp$' and '$\flat$' characters, respectively. Also, if a bass note is specified in a chord (by way of a `/' character followed by the note) then it will appear in a smaller font than the rest of the chord.

is set to True if we're processing a document using chordbk.sty; set to False, otherwise.

this command performs the same function as the Ch command with one exception. The ChX command causes spaces trailing the command to be ignored. See the USAGE GUIDELINES section of this man page, below, for a more detailed explanation.

CpyRt{copyright info.}
prints the copyright information line. This command is not usually used. It is called by the song environment and will normally only be used there.

FLineIdx{first line}
make an entry in the Title & First Line Index file, `` jobname.tIdx.''

is a constant used in TEX if expressions.

is the amount to indent when a line wraps. This has been defined using newcommand instead of newlength so that any unit definitions are evaluated at the time the HangAmt command is used.

forces a new page when the WordsOnly flag is set to False.

forces a new page when the Overhead flag is set to True.

is set to True if we're processing a document using overhead.sty; set to False, otherwise.

SBIntro{the introduction}
is used to encapsulate any introduction to a song: it causes the introduction to be set with an intro tag of ``Intro:'', using in the SBIntroTagFont font. In words only mode this command is a no-op.

SBMargNote{marginal note}
is used to place a note of some kind in the margin of a songbook. In words only mode this macro is a no-op.

SBRef{book title}{page or song number}
creates a reference in the margin to another music book, or tape. This provides a method for directing people to sheet music to learn the song from. The marginal reference only prints when WordsOnly is False.

prints an em-space[*] when WordsOnly is False.

prints an en-space[*] when WordsOnly is False.

STitle{song title}{key}
prints the song title, preceded by the current SBSongCnt value and followed by the key the song is given in. STitle is most often used along with the SBExtraKeys environment. This command resets the SBVerseCnt.

ScriptRef{scripture address}
is a scripture reference for the song. This command has its name because the style was written to produce songbooks for the church I belong to. This command is not usually used. It is called by the song environment and will normally only be used there.

is a flag indicating whether or not the the song environment should end the current page when the environment ends: True means end the page when the song environment ends; False means don't end the page.

is a constant used in TEX if expressions.

WAndM{lyricist & composer}
prints a line telling who wrote the words and music for this song. The string ``W&M:'' precedes the listing of the lyricist & composer when it is printed. This command is not usually used. It is called by the song environment and will normally only be used there.

forces a new page when the WordsOnly flag is set to True.

is set to True if we're processing a document using wordbk.sty; set to False, otherwise.

is the flag which tells us whether we're producing a songbook with just words, or a songbook with words and chords both.